Esim - Citizen Barse <b><center>"I know how rare second chances are, if you're given one, you take it. The opportunity may be fleeting, so it must be recognized and seized. Sometimes the solution takes days, or weeks, or years, but no matter the sacrifice, one must be willing to endure the trauma of shaking off all that you were, to become something new, something better."</center></b>―Daniel Whitehall <br/> <br/> <br/><center><b>HAIL HYDRA</b></center> <br/><img class="thinyImage" src=""> <br/> <br/><center>SC of TNG on suburbia</center> <br/><center>3x MoW in the Czech Republic on suna</center> <br/><center>2x MoFA in Indonesia on suburbia</center> <br/><center>CP in the Czech Republic on Inferna</center> <br/><center>CP in the Czech Republic on harmonia</center> <br/><center>MoIA in the Czechoslovakia on ww2</center>

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"I know how rare second chances are, if you're given one, you take it. The opportunity may be fleeting, so it must be recognized and seized. Sometimes the solution takes days, or weeks, or years, but no matter the sacrifice, one must be willing to endure the trauma of shaking off all that you were, to become something new, something better."
―Daniel Whitehall


SC of TNG on suburbia

3x MoW in the Czech Republic on suna

2x MoFA in Indonesia on suburbia

CP in the Czech Republic on Inferna

CP in the Czech Republic on harmonia

MoIA in the Czechoslovakia on ww2
Legendary Generalissimuss
35 Level
27,780 Experience
919,111,254 Damage
10.75 Economy skill
7082 Strength
Czech Republic
Day 1 Birthday
Military unit Socks in Sandals
Political party Československá strana
Working at
Owned companies (1)
This citizen has been inactive for 129 days
14,268 - 27,899
Critical hit:
28,536 - 55,798
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
+4.83 %
+5.24 %
+2.57 %
Total critical hit chance
25.14 %
25.14 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-0.67 %
-7.15 %
-6.88 %
Overall miss chance
-2.2 %
0.0 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
+5.11 %
+3.51 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
13.62 %
13.62 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
0.0 %
25.0 %
  • x3
  • x10
  • x6
  • x14
  • x27
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 64 of 270 See all achievements
Friends (70)
Barse posted 5 years ago

Barse posted 5 years ago

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