Esim - Free MMOG browser game

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Angelus ulterius
380 Level
3,592,418 Experience
12,363,847,958,434 Damage
88.6171875 Economy skill
17757 Strength
Day 1 Birthday
1 / 39 National by XP
1 / 39 National by DMG
2 / 769 Global by XP
1 / 769 Global by DMG
Political office Congress member of Greece
Political office Party leader
Military unit SIRINA
Political party Lech Walesa
Working at
Active debts
  • 13000.0 Gold
    (payback time 2182 game day )
    Reason : Debt agrees in contract 156658
62,865 - 189,989
Critical hit:
125,730 - 379,978
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
+8.27 %
+8.29 %
+8.32 %
Total critical hit chance
37.38 %
37.38 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-9.456 %
Overall miss chance
3.04 %
3.04 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
+8.387 %
+8.363 %
+8.14 %
+8.01 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
37.9 %
37.9 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
0.0 %
25.0 %
  • x45
  • x178
  • x5
  • x165
  • x9117
  • x24
  • x496
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 185 of 298 See all achievements
Friends (6862)
Congratulations! You have been promoted to Angelus ulterius. Your further damage will be increased by your new rank.
Lowca Dzieci posted 17 days ago

Miyako I have deep hope that all crimes committed by RL politicians will be brought to justice
Lowca Dzieci posted 9 months ago

Congratulations! You have been promoted to Angelus legatarius. Your further damage will be increased by your new rank.
Lowca Dzieci posted 1 year ago

Congratulations! You have been promoted to Angelus invictus. Your further damage will be increased by your new rank.
Lowca Dzieci posted 1 year ago

Congratulations! You have been promoted to Angelus infinitus. Your further damage will be increased by your new rank.
Lowca Dzieci posted 1 year ago

hello lads
Lowca Dzieci posted 1 year ago

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