Esim - Citizen Vanko <img class="thinyImage" src=""> <br/> <br/> <br/><u><em><b>БЪЛГАРИ</b></em></u> <br/> <br/><u><em><b>Каквото и да става, никога не заставайте един срещу друг.</b></em></u> <br/> <br/><img class="thinyImage" src=""> <br/> <br/><u><em><b>Напред ни чака слава и мир, назад - безчестие и смърт!.</b></em></u> <br/><u><em><b>Нито капка страх, нито крачка назад, зад нас е България.</b></em></u>

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Permanently banned


Каквото и да става, никога не заставайте един срещу друг.

Напред ни чака слава и мир, назад - безчестие и смърт!.
Нито капка страх, нито крачка назад, зад нас е България.
Angelus censura
53 Level
1,204,097 Experience
90,224,920,299 Total damage
6345 Strength
46.703125 Economy skill
Day 435 Birthday
Political office No office
Political office Party leader
Political party Rogue Squad 2
This citizen has been inactive for 1265 days
14,059 - 50,140
Critical hit:
28,118 - 100,280
Base critical hit chance
12.5 %
+8.46 %
+8.451 %
+8.451 %
Total critical hit chance
37.86 %
37.86 %
Base miss chance
12.5 %
-6.59 %
-6.43 %
Overall miss chance
25.52 %
0.0 %
Base chance to avoid DMG:
5.0 %
+8.451 %
+8.451 %
+8.46 %
+8.454 %
Overall chance to avoid DMG
38.82 %
38.82 %
Base chance to use less weapons per berserk
Final chance to use less weapons per berserk
0.0 %
Base chance to find a weapon
Final chance to find a weapon
0.0 %
Free flight base chance
5.0 %
Free flight final chance
5.0 %
25.0 %
  • x29
  • x4
  • x72
  • x74
  • x2942
  • x20
  • x272
Top achievements:
Total achievements: 168 of 332 See all achievements
Friends (74)
Khan Koljo Veliki И аз придобих божествен статус, малко със закъснение, но поне го постигнах.

Khan Koljo Veliki And I gained divine status, a little late, but at least I achieved it.

Congratulations! You have been promoted to Divinity. Your further damage will be increased by your new rank.
Vanko posted 4 years ago

А така оше един ранг

Congratulations! You have been promoted to Demigod. Your further damage will be increased by your new rank.

Изключително полезна се оказа тази война за мен и отряда.
Vanko posted 4 years ago

Khan Koljo Veliki нещо да ми кажеш ?

Congratulations! You have been promoted to Almighty. Your further damage will be increased by your new rank.

Настигам те без стимуланти като бонус щета 120%, аматьор
Vanko posted 4 years ago

Khan Koljo Veliki Гледай и плачи, опитай се да ме стигнеш поне малко.Слабак

Congratulations! You have been promoted to Exterminator. Your further damage will be increased by your new rank.
Vanko posted 4 years ago

Congratulations! You have been promoted to Slaughterer. Your further damage will be increased by your new rank.
Vanko posted 4 years ago

Congratulations! You have been promoted to Executioner. Your further damage will be increased by your new rank.

Khan Koljo Veliki виж кой се изравни по ранг с теб, Идваааам съевсем скоро съм при теб
Vanko posted 4 years ago

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