Angelus crudelis
Total damage
Economy skill
Day 1
This citizen has been inactive for 972 days
13,480 - 20,220
Critical hit:
26,960 - 40,440
12.5 %
12.5 %
5.0 %
0.0 %
0.0 %
0.0 %
Friends (400)
Admin, if you want to be fair in this game, give the option to main servers to resufle the 3rd parametre stat.
Of course, you can ignore this message and continue gathering euros from the "sheeps".
papas the slayer posted 3 years ago Admins pls fix the auto supply from eco 60 and above
papas the slayer posted 3 years ago A message to all " Big E-sim conqueros".
YES, you can loan your q7 sets to all of your muties, use your countless storaged limits , wipe Greece and be proud and happy for some hours or few days. Go for it. We are here . What are you waiting for ?
papas the slayer posted 3 years ago admins reduce the debuff period from 24hours to 12 or to 0 hours at alpha (speed server).
or think something else to bring balance from the production of big eco level that most palyers have here.
papas the slayer posted 3 years ago Greece always starts wars when this server seems to become dead no matter the cost will be. Thats what we did at the past with our wars with BG , TR, N.MKD, LIBYA, EGYPT, iSRAEL etc.
Thats what we do now with Belgium . We respect every opponent and we dont have abything pesonal with anyone. We always had the option to stay at our cores and enjoy our friendships and be proud of our full storages but this is not esim.
papas the slayer posted 3 years ago Sirina recruits . You can check out the top auto-sups at Mu's profile.
papas the slayer posted 3 years ago |