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Military unit Imperial Army 2
This citizen has been inactive for 213 days
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German Empire News
We keep our support to our allies German Priorities
any norway hungary or ally battle check discord for more information
in 21 hours league will start lets try to do again 5 medkits
kaiserin Lutzie Komori

Deutschland und Japan über alles!
Germany Org posted 2 years ago

Today was a big day for the Germany's economy. Having a dream about a great and stable our nations economy we:
1) changed gold to DEM ratio.(From 1g = 60 DEM, to 1g = 20 DEM)
2) lowered some import taxes
3) raised income taxes. This change was necessary due to our admins "perfect" economy model (You can read more about it in PandaLT article). The higher taxes will help us to collect money so we could:
1. increase our territory by starting new battles
2. create a peaceful environment for our nation
Germany Org posted 5 years ago

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