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Otto Habsburg
Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 5000
Estimated value:
79622.29 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
15.92 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 13
Total companies: 74

Company statute

* * * * *

* * * * *

Raw material producer all over the World.

- Active presence in 63 countries.
- More than 70 raw material companies
- 0-24 hour continuous production
- The largest production capacity in the World.




The Investment Fund is looking for investors to upgrade the Investment Fund's company park to Q5.

We offer investment shares at a price of 10 Gold
, which cover the upgrade cost of companies.
We'll give 0.02% of ownership per investment share until the end of the project,
after which no more shares will be issued.


CEO: Otto Habsburg

Accountant: Otto Habsburg
- monetary market
- salaries

Supply manager: Otto Habsburg
- product market

Company manager: Otto Habsburg
- job market

Conditions for applying to Management:
At least 250 shares (2.5% ownership)

Contact interface for management and investors
(0-24h customer service)

Habsburg Financial Gazette

The Investment Fund's companies are protected by the Habsburg Armee in war zones.


We are always hiring workers!
Info/contact: Company managers

Stock price:


Type Status Time
Pay dividend Accepted 27 days ago
Issue shares Accepted 3 months ago
Issue shares Rejected 3 months ago
Issue shares Accepted 4 months ago
Sack CEO Rejected 6 months ago

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Citizen Role
Otto Habsburg CEO
Otto Habsburg Accountant
Otto Habsburg Supply manager
Otto Habsburg Company manager


Company Type Location
Habsburg OIF Diamond Canada q3 Diamonds
USA - Canada Pacific Coast
Habsburg OIF Diamond China q3 Diamonds
China - Northwest China
Habsburg OIF Diamond Colombia q3 Diamonds
Colombia - Caribe
Habsburg OIF Diamond Czechia q3 Diamonds
Czech Republic - Pardubice-Vysocina
Habsburg OIF Diamond Egypt q5 Diamonds
Egypt - Sinai Peninsula
Habsburg OIF Diamond Libya q3 Diamonds
Libya - Ben Ghazi
Habsburg OIF Diamond Montenegro q3 Diamonds
Montenegro - Niksic
Habsburg OIF Diamonds Canada q3 Diamonds
USA - Manitoba
Habsburg OIF Diamond Slovakia q3 Diamonds
Slovakia - Banska Bystrica
Habsburg OIF Diamond Slovenia q3 Diamonds
Slovenia - Slovenian Littoral
Habsburg OIF Diamond Sweden q3 Diamonds
Sweden - Bohus
Habsburg OIF Diamond Switzerland q3 Diamonds
Switzerland - Central Switzerland
Habsburg OIF Grain Argentina q5 Grain
Argentina - Patagonia
Habsburg OIF Grain Azerbaijan q3 Grain
Azerbaijan - Nagorno-Karabakh
Habsburg OIF Grain Belgium q3 Grain
Belgium - Liege
Habsburg OIF Grain Brazil q5 Grain
Brazil - ParanaAndSantaCatarina
Habsburg OIF Grain Germany q3 Grain
Hungary - Saxony
Habsburg OIF Grain Indonesia q3 Grain
Indonesia - Kalimantan
Habsburg OIF Grain Iran q3 Grain
Iran - Fars
Habsburg OIF Grain Israel q3 Grain
Israel - Haifa
Habsburg OIF Grain Macedonia q3 Grain
Republic of Macedonia - Wester Republic od Macedonia
Habsburg OIF Grain Morocco q3 Grain
Morocco - SoussMassaDraa
Habsburg OIF Grain Netherlands q3 Grain
Hungary - Friesland-Flevoland
Habsburg OIF Grain Philippines q3 Grain
Philippines - Puerto Princesa
Habsburg OIF Grain Poland q3 Grain
Poland - Great Poland
Habsburg OIF Grain Turkey q5 Grain
Turkey - Eastern Anatolia
Habsburg OIF Iron Albania q3 Iron
Albania - Lezhe
Habsburg OIF Iron Algeria q5 Iron
Algeria - Adrar
Habsburg OIF Iron Armenia q3 Iron
Armenia - Syunik
Habsburg OIF Iron BiH q3 Iron
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Herzegovina
Habsburg OIF Iron Bolivia q3 Iron
Bolivia - Pando
Habsburg OIF Iron Bulgaria q4 Iron
Bulgaria - Vidin
Habsburg OIF Iron Chile q3 Iron
Chile - Punta Arenas
Habsburg OIF Iron China q5 Iron
China - Manchuria
Habsburg OIF Iron Croatia q3 Iron
Croatia - Slavonia
Habsburg OIF Iron Czechia q3 Iron
Czech Republic - Moravia
Habsburg OIF Iron Denmark q3 Iron
Denmark - Nordjylland
Habsburg OIF Iron Finland q3 Iron
Finland - Eastern Finland
Habsburg OIF Iron France q3 Iron
France - Great West
Habsburg OIF Iron Georgia q5 Iron
Georgia - Georgian Black Sea Coast
Habsburg OIF Iron Greece q5 Iron
Greece - Crete
Habsburg OIF Iron Hungary q5 Iron
Hungary - Northern Great Hungary
Habsburg OIF Iron India q5 Iron
India - Eastern India
Habsburg OIF Iron Italy q3 Iron
Italy - Naples
Habsburg OIF Iron Japan q3 Iron
Japan - Northern Honshu
Habsburg OIF Iron Latvia q3 Iron
Latvia - Eastern Vidzeme
Habsburg OIF Iron Lithuania q3 Iron
Lithuania - Lithuania minor
Habsburg OIF Iron Mexico q5 Iron
Mexico - The Bajio
Habsburg OIF Iron Norway q3 Iron
Norway - Vestlandet
Habsburg OIF Iron Pakistan q3 Iron
Pakistan - Northern Areas
Habsburg OIF Iron Peru q3 Iron
Peru - Southern Coast of Peru
Habsburg OIF Iron Portugal q3 Iron
Portugal - Azores
Habsburg OIF Iron Romania q5 Iron
Romania - Maramur Bucovina
Habsburg OIF Iron Serbia q5 Iron
Serbia - Eastern Serbia
Habsburg OIF Iron South Korea q3 Iron
South Korea - South Chungcheong
Habsburg OIF Iron Spain q3 Iron
Spain - Andalusia
Habsburg OIF Iron Taiwan q3 Iron
Taiwan - Southeastern Taiwan
Habsburg OIF Iron Tunisia q3 Iron
Tunisia - Gabes
Habsburg OIF Iron Ukraine q3 Iron
Ukraine - Eastern Ukraine
Habsburg OIF Iron United Kingdom q3 Iron
United Kingdom - Northeastern England
Habsburg OIF Iron USA q3 Iron
USA - Alaska
Habsburg OIF Iron Venezuela q3 Iron
Venezuela - Western Venezuela
Habsburg OIF Iron Vietnam q3 Iron
Vietnam - Central Highlands
Habsburg OIF Oil Chile q3 Oil
Chile - Atacama
Habsburg OIF Oil Finland q3 Oil
Finland - Western Finland
Habsburg OIF Oil Netherlands q3 Oil
Hungary - South Holland-Zeeland
Habsburg OIF Oil Norway q3 Oil
Sweden - Nord-Norge
Habsburg OIF Oil Turkey q5 Oil
Turkey - Turkey Black Sea Coast
Habsburg OIF Stone Austria q3 Stone
Hungary - Tyrol
Habsburg OIF Stone Belgium q5 Stone
Belgium - Vlaanderen
Habsburg OIF Stone Estonia q3 Stone
Estonia - Saaremaa-Hiiumaa
Habsburg OIF Stone Russia q5 Stone
Russia - Siberia
Habsburg OIF Wood Austria q3 Wood
Hungary - Styria
Habsburg OIF Wood USA q5 Wood
USA - Western USA


We reached our first goal in day 1642:
We have companies in every country around the World.

Next target:
We have to increase all of them to Q5.

! ! !
After the upgrade of the last company, the Investment Fund will not issue any more shares.

It is only until then that you can invest in shares, i.e. buy an ownership stake in E-sim's biggest investment project.

We are the new international bank of Railman. ( Game Bank )
Otto Habsburg (CEO) posted 1 year ago

We have officially reached the total of
22317.03 gold value and 5.61 gold per share.

Actual Newsletter

We selling the last 24 shares at 8.50 gold price. We must increase the prices at the next share issue!
Otto Habsburg (CEO) posted 1 year ago

We bought the 20th company of the Investment Fund in Georgia.

In recent days, we have founded 7 companies, namely in Turkey, Georgia, Macedonia, the Netherlands, Italy and Russia.

The Investment Fund currently owns 20 companies worldwide.
Otto Habsburg (CEO) posted 1 year ago

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Shares market:



NOTE: Shares will be bought instantly if there is corresponding sale offer on the market. Otherwise it will added to the orders sheet.

Offered shares(Ask):
Volume Price Seller
No offers

Buy orders(Bid):
Volume Price Buyer
No offers

Latest transactions:
Volume Price Time
6.15 Gold
27 days ago
6.15 Gold
27 days ago
6.15 Gold
27 days ago
6.15 Gold
27 days ago
6.15 Gold
27 days ago
6.15 Gold
27 days ago
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Volume Citizen
4566 (91.32%)
Otto Habsburg
135 (2.7%)
115 (2.3%)
57 (1.14%)
40 (0.8%)
35 (0.7%)
32 (0.64%)
Rico Granados
9 (0.18%)
5 (0.1%)
2 (0.04%)
islem smith
4 (0.08%) Minor shareholders (3) Show

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