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 Otto Habsburg
Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 50
Estimated value:
50.00 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
1.00 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 1
Total companies: 0

Log type:

Importance level:


Time Log Type Importance Citizen
05-09-2024 16:48:46
(5 months ago)
Otto Habsburg has bought Q3 ECF Weapons Plant Q3 for 50.0Gold
Company sold Important Otto Habsburg

05-09-2024 16:48:20
(5 months ago)
Otto Habsburg has bought Q3 Social Air Q3 for 50.0Gold
Company sold Important Otto Habsburg

05-09-2024 16:45:03
(5 months ago)
Otto Habsburg has bought Q5 Social Farm Q4 for 280.0Gold
Company sold Important Otto Habsburg

31-08-2024 10:30:35
(5 months ago)
The stock company Habsburg For Sale Companies has paid 586.67 Gold
dividend to its shareholders
Dividend paid Important Otto Habsburg

31-08-2024 10:12:23
(5 months ago)
Habsburg For Sale Companies has bought Q2 company Social Diamond Mine Q1 for 20.0 Gold
from The Social Bank
Company bought Important Otto Habsburg

31-08-2024 10:11:58
(5 months ago)
Habsburg For Sale Companies has bought Q3 company Goat Real Estate Q3 for 50.0 Gold
from The Social Bank
Company bought Important Otto Habsburg

31-08-2024 10:07:14
(5 months ago)
Habsburg For Sale Companies has bought Q5 company Social Food Mfg Plant Q5 for 250.0 Gold
from The Social Bank
Company bought Important Otto Habsburg

31-08-2024 10:06:52
(5 months ago)
Habsburg For Sale Companies has bought Q5 company Social Gifts Workshop Q5 for 250.0 Gold
from The Social Bank
Company bought Important Otto Habsburg

31-08-2024 9:56:03
(5 months ago)
Habsburg For Sale Companies has bought Q1 company Social Arsenal Q1 for 10.0 Gold
from The Social Bank
Company bought Important Otto Habsburg

31-08-2024 9:55:54
(5 months ago)
Habsburg For Sale Companies has bought Q1 company ECF Stone Quarry Q1 for 10.0 Gold
from The Social Bank
Company bought Important Otto Habsburg

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