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Today i want announce than Lithuania leaves all colonies and back to our cores.we know that we will be criticized and called cowards but if we continue with the colonies they will tell us the same thing, so we just prefer to be in cores and hit freely
Lithuania Org posted 1 year ago

Hello Dear Lithuanians fighters
i wanna inform you that we gonna stop fighting against Greece and Austria and Hungary.
so that i wanna inform you to stop fighting against them.
please fight for now in Lithuanian battles we have a lot fun there. If you have any questions ask me in private message.
Lithuania Org posted 1 year ago

prio finland battle and we have agreement with latvia about 1 region.
Lithuania Org posted 1 year ago

Dėmesio: netrukus prasidės karas su Lenkija.
Mobilizuojamės, kas galite pameskite daugiau dmg mūšiuose.
Jei kam reikia davinių rašykite PM į Lithuania Org

Sėkmės o/
Lithuania Org posted 4 years ago

Dėmesio Naujas mūsų aliansas
Šalys narės: Lietuva, Lenkija, Švedija, Turkija, Estija, Makedonija, Čekija.
Lithuania Org posted 4 years ago

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