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Chairman (CEO)
Total Shares: 1000
Estimated value:
7824.58 Gold (Details | Refresh)
Estimated value per share:
7.82 Gold
Daily shares trade value:
0.00 Gold
Total shareholders: 13
Total companies: 84

Company statute


Pantheon Corp

Private God/Goddess or Godlike Players Club


Celestial blood type or Celestial Reputation

Benefits and Privileges:

Access to unlimited Wealth

Access to unlimited Nectar

Power Upgrade

World Dominance and Worshipers Growth


Stock price:


Type Status Time
Pay dividend Accepted 19 days ago
Propose CEO Rejected 3 years ago
Propose CEO Accepted 3 years ago
Sack CEO Accepted 3 years ago
Pay dividend Accepted 3 years ago

More acts


Citizen Role
kostas620 CEO
kostas620 Company manager
kostas620 Supply manager
kostas620 Accountant


Company Type Location
ARvest Estate q5 Q5 Estate
Turkey - Central Anatolia
Celestia's Q2 Diamonds q2 Diamonds
USA - Central USA
For Sale 52 q1 Wood
Bulgaria - Sofia
for sel q1 Q1 Ticket
Algeria - Algier
for sellll q1 Iron
Algeria - Adrar
FS Iron 2 q5 Iron
Hungary - Northern Great Hungary
GF ultra q1 Q1 Food
Poland - Mazovia
GraiN Q1 q1 Grain
Slovakia - Bratislava
Granos PDVSA q1 Grain
Colombia - Venezuelan Coast
H@G Weap q1 Q1 Weapon
Iran - Central Iran
ir0n 1 q1 Iron
Algeria - Rabat
ir0n 10 q1 Iron
Spain - Madrid
ir0n 11 q1 Iron
South Korea - Gyeonggi
ir0n 13 q1 Iron
Austria - Wien
ir0n 14 q1 Iron
Germany - North Holland-Utrecht
ir0n 19 q1 Iron
Montenegro - Podgorica
ir0n 23 q1 Iron
Georgia - Kvemo Kartli
ir0n 25 q1 Iron
Japan - Central Honshu
ir0n 26 q1 Iron
Albania - Tirana
ir0n 27 q1 Iron
Armenia - Ararat
ir0n 6 q1 Iron
Taiwan - Taipei
ir0n 7 q1 Iron
Bolivia - Chuquisaca
İron q1 Iron
Azerbaijan - Baku
iron BEKO q1 Iron
Ukraine - Eastern Ukraine
IronHouse q1 Iron
Greece - Central Italy
IroN Q1 q1 Iron
Hungary - Central Hungary
iron X q5 2 q4 Iron
Republic of Macedonia - Pelagonia
Iybalah grain q1 Grain
Azerbaijan - Nagorno-Karabakh
Kalk geležį kol karšta q1 Iron
Lithuania - Dainava
Leszko q2 Q2 Estate
Poland - Mazovia
Libya Stone q1 Stone
Libya - Tripoli
Lion Iron q1 Iron
Brazil - Central Brazil
Lonely Eagle's Diamonds q1 Iron
Germany - Svealand
nisupea q2 Diamonds
Ukraine - Western Ukraine
off season q1 Q1 Weapon
Egypt - Red Sea Coast
off seasond q1 Q1 Ticket
Egypt - Red Sea Coast
off seasonddd q1 Q1 Weapon
Egypt - Matrouh
off seasondddd q1 Diamonds
Egypt - Sinai Peninsula
Pain Estate q1 Q1 Estate
Poland - Little Poland
Pain House q1 Q1 House
USA - Alaska
Pain Stone q1 Stone
Poland - Pomerania
Pain Wood q1 Wood
USA - Western USA
Panteri Diamant q1 Diamonds
Serbia - Belgrade
PDVSA ARMAS Q1 q1 Q1 Weapon
Turkey - Central Anatolia
Petroleo PDVS q1 Oil
Turkey - Central Anatolia
Prison Break diamond q1 Diamonds
Libya - Tripoli
Prison Break wep q1 q1 Q1 Weapon
Libya - Tripoli
Q1 Bilet 2 q1 Q1 Ticket
Turkey - Central Anatolia
Q1 Ticket - Yeoju q1 Q1 Ticket
South Korea - Gyeonggi
Q1 Weapon - Gurye q1 Q1 Weapon
South Korea - Gyeonggi
Q1 Wep Usa q1 Q1 Weapon
USA - Central USA
Ragnar Lodbrok Grain Company q1 Grain
USA - Quebec
Ragnar Lodbrok Weapon Company q1 Q1 Weapon
USA - Central USA
RayaIron q1 Iron
Bosnia and Herzegovina - Bosanska Krajina
Rifles Factory q1 Q1 Weapon
Germany - Svealand
RoyalDiamond q1 Diamonds
Armenia - Ararat
Sad But True Q4 IRON q1 Iron
Bulgaria - Sofia
SAS Airways q1 Q1 Ticket
Germany - Svealand
Seek n' Destroy GRAIN q1 Grain
Estonia - Tallinn
SG Weapons Company q1 Q1 Weapon
Greece - Central Greece
Sick DIAMONDS q1 Diamonds
Serbia - Belgrade
Sick IRON-2 q1 Iron
Serbia - Belgrade
Sick Weapons3 Q1 q1 Q1 Weapon
Turkey - Central Anatolia
Sommerau Getreide MX q2 Grain
Portugal - Estremadura Ribatejo
Sommerau Holz VZ q2 Wood
Colombia - Venezuelan Coast
Sommerau Oel q3 Oil
Austria - Wien
Sommerau Stein MG q2 Stone
Montenegro - Podgorica
Sommerau Waffen CH q1 Q1 Weapon
Switzerland - Bern-Valais
Spain Dia I q1 Diamonds
Algeria - Rabat
Spain Gift I q1 Q1 Gift
Algeria - Rabat
Spain Iron q1 Iron
Spain - Madrid
Ston breaker q3 Stone
Poland - Pomerania
Switzerland Stone q1 Stone
Switzerland - Bern-Valais
The Arab Contractors q2 Q2 Estate
Belgium - Vlaanderen
The Day That Never Comes FOOD q1 Q1 Food
Estonia - Tallinn
The Hashira Gun Q1 q1 Q1 Weapon
Italy - Naples
TNC Grain q3 Grain
Philippines - Manila
tQ5 q1 Q1 Ticket
Germany - Midtjylland
Trojan Horse-Estate q5 q1 Q1 Estate
Greece - Central Greece
Trojan Horse-WOOD q1 Wood
Republic of Macedonia - Skopje
wep1 q1 Q1 Weapon
Germany - NorrlandSameland
WOOD Q4 q4 Wood
Iran - Central Iran
X-Weapons-1 q1 Q1 Weapon
Lithuania - Dainava
რკინის q1 Iron
Georgia - Kvemo Kartli


Sirbayona (Citizen) posted 5 years ago

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Shares market:



NOTE: Shares will be bought instantly if there is corresponding sale offer on the market. Otherwise it will added to the orders sheet.

Offered shares(Ask):
Volume Price Seller
No offers

Buy orders(Bid):
Volume Price Buyer
No offers

Latest transactions:
Volume Price Time
8.71 Gold
3 years ago
8.71 Gold
3 years ago
8.71 Gold
3 years ago
8.71 Gold
3 years ago
8.71 Gold
3 years ago
8.71 Gold
3 years ago
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Volume Citizen
682 (68.2%)
Ioannis IV
128 (12.8%)
67 (6.7%)
46 (4.6%)
22 (2.2%)
15 (1.5%)
10 (1.0%)
8 (0.8%)
8 (0.8%)
7 (0.7%)
7 (0.7%) Minor shareholders (3) Show

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